John And Brenda Walker
John Everett Walker is a native of Nashville and was educated in its public school system. He earned a Bachelor of Science from Tennessee State University; Master of Public Management from Cumberland University, and Master of Divinity Vanderbilt University. In addition, John is an ordained minister with the Christian Church (Disciple of Christ) Church.

In May of 2016, John was called to serve the Lord as Pastor to Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Nashville, where he enjoys teaching, preaching, and counseling, a dynamic congregation.

In service of the Lord at New Covenant Christian Church (formerly Gay-Lea Christian Church) since the age of eleven, John served in several capacities including Junior Deacon, youth Sunday school teacher, President of the Disciple Men, Deacon, Chairman of Stewardship, Chairman of the General Board, and commissioner of Reconciliation with the Christian Church of Tennessee. Recently, John served as associate Minister of Alameda Christian Church where he enjoyed teaching, preaching, play directing, counseling and fellowship with the members. John also served and embraced the membership as an intern and interim Pastor at Bellevue Christian Church.

Presently, John serves as Social Service Coordinator for the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency where he has been honored as Social Worker of the year and received two Randee Rogers’s awards for outstanding work with residents of Public Housing. John also serves as a grant reviewer and coordinator of a smoke cessation program in public housing in Tennessee. Also, John was recognized for an innovative program for a behavior modification program entitled “Gap Thinking.”

John in his professional career worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York where he served in the administration of the Check Processing Department. Additionally, he was elected President of the Employees Association for the New York and Utica Federal Reserve Banks. John has subsequently served as an operation officer for Citizen Bank, Program Director of the Northwest YMCA, and as a teacher and Coach in the Metropolitan Nashville School System.

John is a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity.

John is blessed in marriage with Brenda Boyd-Walker where they love and enjoy three sons: Jason, Ronald, and Justin from which eight grandchildren have been born: Justin Jr., Everett, Ellis, Gabrial, Joshua, Justus, Amira, and Amaya.

John believes that serving the Lord is the highest honor that comes as a blessing from God. Amen.