Core Values

Our 10 Core Values are fundamental priorities, biblical principles that help guide us as we seek to fulfill our mission.

  • Biblical-Based: The Bible is God’s Holy Word. The Bible alone dictates what we believe and practice. The Bible uniquely and infallibly reveals God’s plan for His people and how to live out that plan, individually and corporately.
  • Love: We want everything we do to demonstrate love, because Jesus, in all that He did, was compelled by love.
  • Christ-likeness: We are on a journey of faith together. We depend on the transforming power of Jesus Christ. In Christ is found both newness of life and the highest and clearest example for godliness.
  • Evangelistic: Followers of Jesus are passionate about evangelism. Our ultimate goal and mission is to reach the whole world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of all the nations.
  • Unity: We want unity to govern all of our services because we are one body in Him. We focus on those things that unite us, not those things that divide us.
  • Community: We invest in the lives of others. Life change happens best in community with other Christians. We value integrity in relationships and mutual accountability in an atmosphere of grace, love, and acceptance.
  • Discipleship: Followers of Jesus obey his teachings. Making disciples is a clear mandate from Jesus Christ. This requires a strong focus on evangelism and training in spiritual growth and holy living.
  • Excellence: We want everything we do to be done with excellence. We believe excellence honors God and inspires people.
  • Grace: We will foster an environment of love, acceptance, and forgiveness through God’s grace. God’s grace through Jesus Christ is the basis and power, not only of our personal lives but also of our ministry.
  • Stewardship: We will give our time, spiritual gifts, abilities, and finances to extend Christ’s kingdom.