Our History

Here we will tell the story of the beginnings of our church and how we became what we are today.

In June 1980 a group of believers left their home church Alameda Christian Church to form a new church. Under the leadership of the founding pastor, the late Elder Howard Bruce Bowser, they met at the home of Bro. and Sis. Howard Anderson, Sr., to discuss plans for a future church.

During one of the prayer services and bible study at the home of Bro. and Sis. Dallas J. Harris, the plans for a future church were discussed further and there the church idea became a reality. There it was given a name which was suggested by Sis. Katie West and agreed to by all who were present–Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Elder Bowser made congregational appointments.

In July 1980 the first-morning worship service was held at the North Nashville Church of God of the Prophecy facility on Eleventh Avenue North. Thanks to Rev. John Torrence the congregation had a place to worship each Sunday at 12:30 p.m. After a short while Community was able to purchase its present worship facility in East Nashville.

The church school was organized by Sis. Alean Bowser and, in January 1981. The church became a charter church with forty-four members (children excluded). In April 1981 Community was accepted into the Region as a new congregation at the Regional Assembly in Clarksville, Tennessee. The church was represented by thirteen members/children.

Throughout the years’ members of this congregation have had active leadership roles in regional offices and programs; they have participated in area, regional and national programs of the church as well as being very instrumental in the life of the local congregation.

In addition to supporting the church’s general missions overseas, Community supports local missions. Some of them include the Adult Literacy Program, Meharry Medical College Sickle Cell Anemia research, Spencer Youth Center, Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers, Balm in Gilead for the healing of HIV and AIDS, Renewal House, Magness Potter/Salvation Army, and it has provided food baskets and financial support to many residents in this community.

With each challenge we have encountered, we became stronger in our faith. We may provide links to other sites that provide more detail on our church history or particular events in our past.

We invite you to become a part of the church today and a piece of its history tomorrow.